DArcy McGuire

Thanks for stopping by.
This new site of mine is still a work in progress.
Posting stuff as I find it or clear it.
Currently, I spend most of my days mostly writing for one client 
and work on other people's records. 

PLAYAMOR is the latest SolaZul record.
The California mountains did us some good.
Rubi and I did most of it with some guest appearances.

Here is some of my professional work in music for media, agencies, 
broadcast and labels. 
The stuff I am most chuffed about instead of what pays the bills.

I am always licensing 
and writing for picture and media everything from ads, shows, 
the backing track to your news article to the sounds in your new car.

Music has been my living for most of my life. 
Composer, Musician, Producer, Arranger and Orchestrator.

Lately, I have also been modelling for print. 
'Discovered' at an advertising recording session...